Hey everyone! Mooble here. I wrote this because I remembered something. I was watching an episode of PB&J otter, and I checked how old it was. It was from 1999. I clearly remember watching a new episode of it from that time. Happily, there's rumors that disney might make playhouse disney it's own channel, and there might be some "graveyard slots" in it, and they might fill it up with the old shows we used to watch! but, who would watch out of the box at 3:30 AM? (besides me and a few other people who probably have a VCR) Wow, I'm using references that are outdated to today's teenagers. Poor teenagers have never had to blow into their game to get it to work, and they've probably never played an E-rated game in years. Have you ever seen your son playing "Tetris" or "Super Mario Sunshine"? I think not! (unless he's like me and too lazy to get a job). Anyways, here's some more reasons I feel old.
1.Waking up at 6:00 hoping for One Saturday Morning, and being bombarded with infomercials and dr. Phil.
2.Seeing a game I played at the supermarket being advertised as a "Absolute classic!".
3.Remembering a teen pop idol, and nobody remembers him. (actually, that makes everyone alive feel old. fame lasts about 3 years, and then nobody remembers them.)
4.Remembering "Poke-mania" and them being banned from preschool.
5.Remembering a ad for the Game-cube and the Gameboy Advance in 2001, and remembering how the only way you can buy them now is off ebay, or at garage-sales for about a dollar.
6.Saying "There is nothing I can do" whenever a problem occurs, and nobody getting the reference (except for teachers). (Don't you remember this? It was on "Kablam!", on "Action League Now!"! You know, the scientist on that show with the action figures?)
7.I remember Cartoon Network having these promos called "Cartoon Network Groovies", and heading to disney 11 years ago. I.Could.Not.Get.The.Songs.Out.Of.My.Head.
8.Finding myself asleep,bag of wheat-free pretzels in left hand,complaining about "How the youth of today is disrespecting the elders", at 5 in the morning.
9.Being able to quote theme songs to kids shows I watched.(
10.Writing "when I was your age" stories. ("When I was your age I had to walk eleventy gajillion miles to the nearest video rental store, carry 10 dollars in pennies, walking uphill in snow, both ways! we also didn't have these review websites! If we bought a bad movie by mistake, we didn't whine about it! We made fun of the terrible effects and dialog! That's the end of the story, since bingo's in 5 minutes.")
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