Monday, January 10, 2011

a joke for my aunt.

hi readers, my aunt has been deployed to korea for a while. her job is to look for cracks in airplanes. so, here are some jokes about cracks, and airplanes.
1An Air Force cargo plane was preparing for departure from Thule Air Base in Greenland. They were waiting for the truck to arrive to pump out the aircraft's sewage holding tank.
        The Aircraft Commander was in a hurry, the truck was late in arriving, and the Airman performing the job was extremely slow in getting the tank pumped out.
        When the commander berated the Airman for his slowness and promised punishment, the Airman responded: "Sir, I have no stripes, it is 20 below zero, I'm stationed in Greenland, and I am pumping sewage out of airplanes. Just what are you going to do to punish me?"
2.little billy swallowed a handfull of coins, so his mom rushed him to the hospital. the doctor checked him out, and his mom said "how's billy doing?". the doctor said "still no change, but you know how these situations can turn on a dime."
3.One day a poor old lady found a dollar and with that dollar she bought a lottery ticket. She won the lottery! She bought a house and a dog. She said to herself, "What should I name my house?" And she looked around and she saw a guy mooning her so she decided to name her house "Butt" Then she needed a name for her dog. So she looked around and saw a crack house so she named her dog "Crack". One day about a month later she woke up and couldn't find her dog. She looked all over the house and she couldn't find it anywhere! So finally she called the cops and said, "Police please help me I've looked all over my Butt but I can't find my Crack!"
4.The reason the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines squabble among themselves is that they don't speak the same language. For example, take a simple phrase like, "Secure the building."
        • The Army will put guards around the place.
        • The Navy will turn out the lights and lock the doors.
        • The Air Force will take out a 5-year lease with an option to buy.
        • The Marines will kill everybody inside and make it a command post.
we love you auntie heather!

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