Friday, October 7, 2011

RIP Lucy Bailey Coleman 2010-2011

No, this isn't something for halloween. No, this isn't for a human. This is for a Guinea Pig we held near to our hearts.We always loved her, from the day she was bought, to the day she caught the bug. Lucy always loved by her parents (Katie and I), and she loved chewing on things. She'd chew on anything her teeth could find. Suddenly, fruit flies infested her cage, and she had to move into the kitchen. She was in the process of moving back into her original cage, when she caught a bug. The bug went to her brain, and she didn't eat. When we found her, she was in terrible shape. There was nothing I could do but pray. Sadly, God's busy signal is semi-permanently on. So, she died at around 10:30 PM. Even though she sometimes got others disturbed by her rodent-like nature, she always kept squeaking along. Lucy, now you really ARE in the sky with diamonds. We'll miss everything you do.

{Picture coming soon)

1 comment:

  1. That's sad. My yellow lab just died recently. I miss her so much.
    It will be great to see a picture of Lucy

