Saturday, April 23, 2011

privacy:a good tool against looking like a fool online.

While I was looking in my documents, I found a paper my sister wrote that could get her yelled at. (i'm not posting it on here so she doesn't get turned into an example of "how NOT to be private" in a computer class somewhere). Since I don't want you to become an example, i'm sharing some of my tips.
1.If it's public, PASSWORD IT. Seriously, you shouldn't have to learn this. If you use a public computer, get an account of your own, or use's password feature.
2.Do NOT give your password to anyone. You can't imagine how easily hacking could be prevented if people didn't blab about their password.
3.Don't get scammed. "Hey you! I have a bridge to sell you, real cheap. All you have to tell me is your deepest darkest secrets." is an example. now imagine the same person wearing a ski mask and a stereotypical prisoner costume. with the internet, it isn't so obvious as the example above. so, DO NOT TELL ANYTHING TO SCAMMERS.

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